Strandul de oțel este un produs din oțel format din mai multe fire de oțel răsucite împreună. The surface of carbon steel can be coated with galvanized layer, zinc-aluminum alloy layer, aluminum clad layer, copper plating layer, epoxy coated layer, etc. as needed.

Procesul de fabricație este împărțit în fabricarea de sârmă cu un singur fir și la fabricarea de sârmă. Când faceți un singur fir, se folosește tehnologia de desen a sârmei (rece). Depending on the different materials of the product, it can be high-carbon steel wire rods, stainless steel wire rods or medium-low carbon steel wire rods. Dacă este necesară galvanizarea, trebuie efectuată electroplarea sau tratamentul la cald-dip pe un singur fir. În procesul de fabricație al sârmei cu bloc, o mașină de blocare este utilizată pentru a răsucește mai multe fire de oțel în produse. Șuvițele de oțel pretensionate trebuie, de asemenea, să fie stabilizate continuu după formare. The final product is generally collected on a reel or reel-less.

The control tension force of the prestressed steel strand construction design refers to the tension of the steel strand before the anchor clamp after the prestressing is completed. Therefore, when calculating the theoretical elongation of the prestressed steel strand, the distance between the anchor points at both ends of the steel strand should be used as the calculated length of the steel strand. However, during the prestressing, the controlled tension force of the steel strand is controlled at the jack tool anchor. Therefore, for the convenience of control and calculation, the distance between the anchor points at both ends of the steel strand plus the working length of the steel strand in the tensioning jack is generally used as the calculated length of the theoretical elongation of the prestressed steel Strand. During the prestressing of the steel strand, most of the exposed part of the steel strand is wrapped by the anchor and jack. The tension elongation of the steel strand cannot be directly measured on the steel strand. Therefore, the tension elongation of the steel strand can only be calculated by measuring the piston stroke of the tension jack. However, the amount of anchor retraction during the entire process of prestressing the steel strand should also be subtracted. The load-bearing capacity of the steel strand should be 4-6 times the total traction force .